On Equity & Justice


today, the king of cups has me thinking about equity in times of gross injustice. a lot of us are still processing the emotions of yesterday, a day that celebrated those who reared us and cared for us, perfectly or imperfectly, while simultaneously processing what it means when the #cisheteropatriarchy demands to take control over our bodies and the choices we make with them. i encourage you to process these things with your heart as well as with your head. i encourage you to think about bodily autonomy and the ways we deserve to rule our own ways of being. feel what you need to feel, and then remember to focus on strategy.

some questions to consider: what does safety planning for those who are most at risk look like? what are concrete ways for us to funnel resources to the communities who need them most? when access is taken away from lifesaving procedures, who is most often harmed? what does it look like for women and people who can get pregnant to really move in solidarity together so that all are heard, seen, and cared for through oppressive times? what does a sex strike actually mean, what narratives does this support, and who is it actually benefiting? how do we influence those who hold power to use their power in the ways WE need? what does taking back control over our bodies look like?

the king of cups is a reminder to take time to observe natural cycles and time to observe human-made cycles. there is an imbalance between the two. there are power struggles and excess tension. it's up to us to figure out how to create the counterbalance to these human-made cycles of exploitation, together, while centering those who will be most impacted through harmful legislation.


On Temperance