On Manifestation


the queen of wands in reverse is a card of self respect and confidence. who are you, really? what does it look like to respect yourself and your needs? what does it look like to express yourself authentically and fully? what are your dreams made of, and how are you honoring them? sometimes, this card asks us to take some time to ourselves to figure out what it looks like to embody our highest vision of ourselves and our lives. I encourage you to take some time to reflect on who you want to be and where you want to go in life. what feels great for you? what feels fulfilling? when do synchronicities show up in your life? no one can take you where you're trying to go.

manifestation requires that we put in the time and the work to envision all that we want for our lives, and it also involves trimming away the influences and activities that distract us from this larger vision. it's important to honor yourself, your healing, your needs, and your personal development. after all, you came here, first and foremost, to experience life for YOU, as you are. you deserve to do that. 🖤


On Leadership


On Temperance