On Leadership


When a leader, or really anyone we know, is abusing their power or causing harm, we have to name it. when there is inequity and imbalance, we have to name it. we have a duty to name when abuse is taking place and we have a duty to demand accountability. call out abusers. call out deception. this is just one way for us to protect each other. this is an act of love. the king of swords in reverse names these abuses. /

the citizens of earth are cycling through stages of grief, and likely over multiple experiences. we are navigating new ways of living our daily lives. we are worried about the right now and the nearer future. things are objectively not good for most humans. well, the five of pentacles in reverse reminds us that now that were in it, we're already coming out of it. the only way out is through, babes. /

as we process this experience, I invite you to take some deep breaths throughout the day and slow down. notice your living space. notice the quiet or the sounds of people. how the light shines in your room. we get to shift and slow down our pace now. we have some time to think about what we want to manifest as we get out of this collective crisis. we know we are coming out of all of this chaos, eventually. let's think about the future we want and how to take care of each other. /

some possible journal questions:
what kind of world do you want to see? what kind of leaders do you want to support? how do you ask more of those who lead you, and how might you come into your power to affect the kind of change you want to see? what does accountability look like when we name that someone has done harm? what does repair look like? what does it look like to honor and care for each other? what does it look like to care for and nourish yourself? 🖤


On Resistance


On Manifestation