On Resistance


dear community,

it's been approximately 50 days since the #stayhome order went into effect. 50 days of shifting our ways of being in this world. 50 days of coming to terms with the fact that things are not going to be the same as they once were. 50 days of rediscovering what it means to connect with one another. a lot of this time has been spent on grieving what used to be.

death asks us to remember that when one phase ends, another phase is waiting to unfurl. for so many of us, this has felt like one tower moment after another. people are dying. black and indigenous people of color are suffering disproportionately from this pandemic. people are suffering in isolation and grappling with emotions they haven't had to face before. people are unemployed and living in complete uncertainty. in the United States, people are fighting for their right to housing and hazard pay and healthcare, while others are arguing to open up our cities so they can get services that will undoubtedly put our most marginalized citizens at risk. a tower moment, indeed.

tomorrow is May day. many people will be striking and I urge you not to cross the picket line. these workers are striking so that they can get hazard pay, so that they can have protective equipment, so that they can have health care.

as part of this new cycle, we have an opportunity to build up a world that honors all life and the right to thrive. we owe it to the people who have lost their lives in this process. we owe it to future generations.

this is our time to really grab on to the idea that we can show up for each other, share our resources, and share our abundance. life might be different from how it was 40 days ago, but we still have each other. show love, spread love. reach out to your loved ones and DON'T cross the picket line.

I love you,


On Scarcity and Control


On Leadership