On Scarcity and Control

Four of Pentacles from the Lioness Oracle

The pandemic stripped our normal "freedoms" away from us. We were used to being able to go out, see friends, hug our loved ones, go to concerts and bars, travel, go to the library, and even to work... all of these things were important for us as a society, and it's jarring to have that go away so abruptly and for so long. People said a pandemic was coming, but no one imagined it would be like this. There have been many reactions rooted in scarcity mindset, leading to people (elderly, disabled, poor) were actually running out of product options in stores.

Staying proactive rather than reactive and fear-based gives us the opportunity to build a new foundation for a world that will not go back to business as usual. We can shift our mindset and know that there is enough to take care of everyone. We can look to cultivate self control instead of trying to control all of the external variables that are inconvenient for us. We can be mindful about how our behaviors impact others. If these are lessons we learn from the pandemic, we will come out of all of this as better people and stronger communities. The four of pentacles illuminates our relationship with control and boundaries.

In re-opening, we may be reminded that there actually is a scarcity of medical professionals who can care for surges of new patients. We may be reminded that there are people who will grab more than they need and leave the most vulnerable with nothing. But there are also things that are in our control. We can look out for each other and make sure everyone has what they need. We can adapt and apply suggestions that help us and others stay healthy, like proper hand washing, wearing a face mask, and physical distancing. We can take our vitamins and minerals, sleep when we're tired, and stay hydrated to keep our immune system strong. While we can't control how the larger picture unfolds, we can work on ourselves to build the foundation for the future we really want to see.


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